Nanotech Expo 2023 | Nanotechnology | Advanced Materials | World Congress on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials |

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Nanotech Expo 2023

About Conference

Nanotech Expo 2023  invites all the experts and researchers from the Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering sector all over the world to attend “ 4th  World Congress on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials “(Nanotech Expo 2023)., which is going to be held on Nov 08-09, 2023 at Budapest, Hungary

Nanotech Expo 2023 conference includes Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster Presentations, Workshops, and Exhibitors. Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering are forthcoming use in healthcare, electronics, cosmetics, and other areas. Nanomaterial’s are the elements with the finest measurement of size 10-9 meter. The theme of the conference is about “Challenges to learn the new technologies in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology”.During the conference International symposiums, Panel Discussion and B2B meetings are organized and also International workshops are conducted based on the specific topics related to Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering.

The properties of many materials change when the size scale of their dimensions approaches nanometers is the foremost interesting things about nanotechnology. Materials scientists work to apprehend those property changes and utilize them in the processing and manufacture of materials at the Nanoscale. The field of materials science covers the discovery, characterization, properties, and quit-use of Nanoscale materials.

The most other engineering majors work with Nanotechnology, but the heart of nanotechnology is Materials Science and Materials Engineering across all the disciples. Nanotech Expo 2022 conference is also comprised of Best Post Awards, Best Oral Presentation Awards, Young Researchers Forums (YRF) and also Video Presentation by experts. We are glad to welcome you all to join and register for the “4th World Congress on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials “(Nanotech Expo 2023) which is going to be held on November 08-09, 2023 Budapest, Hungary

Targeted Audience:

  • Material Engineers

  • Nanotechnologists

  • Chemical Engineers

  • Material Science Researchers

  • Pharmacists

  • Nano-Scientists

  • Material Chemists

  • Academic Professors

  • Pharmaceutical Companies and Markets

  • Students from Nanotechnology, Chemical, and Material Engineering

Who should attend : 

The Nanotech Expo 2023 conference will be useful to participants both from the Academics and Industry working in all the domains of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering. The Nanotech Expo 2023 is especially intended for Investors, Entrepreneur, Capitalists, Venture and other readers with a need to know where the Nanotechnology market is headed in the future. The members around the globe focused on learning about the Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and the developments in the most recent techniques also newest updates in this field.

  • Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Associations and Societies

  • Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Faculties

  • Directors of Nanotechnology Companies

  • Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Students

  • Pharmaceutical Industry Mentors and Marketers

  • Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Scientists

  • Directors of Materials Engineering companies

  • Nanotechnology Engineers

  • Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering Researchers

  • Exhibitors and Sponsors


Scientific Sessions

Track 1: Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials

Research of Advanced materials, polymers, and nanotechnology principally centers around endeavors to plan materials at a sub-atomic level to accomplish alluring properties and applications at a naturally visible level. In light of their novel qualities like expanded quality, chemical reactivity or conductivity Nanomaterials are exceptionally significant these days in the vast majority of the fields, for example, Medicine, Chemotherapy, Drug conveyance, Manufacturing forms, Paints, and so forth. 
Nanotechnology controls matter at the nuclear and atomic scale. A few utilizations of nanomaterials are utilized widely in catalysis to lift up concoction responses. Polymer-based nanomaterials have high noteworthiness in Analytical Chemistry, detachment procedure, and research as they can enhance the affectability and improve the steadiness of customary materials and techniques. Nanomaterials are outstanding amongst other cleaning operator for the earth.
  • Nanoceramics for medical applications

  • Nanostructured Coatings,Surfaces and Membranes

  • Thin Films Modeling, Scale Effects, Nanostructured Thin Films

  • Nanoparticles Synthesis and Applications

  • Nanocomposites / Bionanocomposites Materials

Track 2Emerging materials and nanotechnology

Emerging materials is a multifaceted subject managing the revelation and planning of new materials. Developing substances and nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary subject of science and designing fusing huge vary of common and man-made materials that relates the structure, combination, properties, characterization, execution and texture handling. 
The designing of materials has advancement in healthcare industries, clinical gadget, hardware and photonics, power businesses, batteries, energy units, transportation, and nanotechnology. It objectives at making substances at the Nano, miniaturized scale and full-scale scales and involves many subjects, for example, biomaterials, basic materials, compound, and electrochemical materials science, computational materials science, electrochemical materials. The advances in substances lead to new unrest in each order of building.
  • Emerging areas of Materials Science

  • Smart materials

  • Solar energy materials & systems

  • Advanced Graphene and Carbon Materials

  • Light-weight energy-efficient structural materials

Track 3Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

Two-dimensional (2D) materials have pulled in a lot of consideration in the previous decade. They have high explicit surface region and furthermore electronic designing and properties that vary from their mass partners because of the low dimensionality. Graphene is the best known and the most concentrated 2D material, yet metal oxides and hydroxides (counting muds), dichalcogenides, boron nitride (BN), and different materials that are one or a few molecules thick are accepting expanding consideration. 
Numerous two-dimensional materials are orchestrated by specific extraction process which is fundamentally significant when the securities between the structure squares of the material are excessively solid (e.g., in carbides) to be broken precisely so as to shape Nanostructures. These have a thickness of a couple of nanometres or less. Attractive topological protector included two-dimensional (2-D) materials that have the capability of giving numerous interests and applications by controlling the surface states like yielding quantum bizarre Hall impact offering ascend to dispersal less chiral edge current, giving axion electromagnetism and others.
  • 2-D materials beyond graphene

  • Carbon Nanostructures and Grapheme

  • Green Energy Materials

  • Chemical and mechanical properties of graphene and 2-D materials

  • Applications of graphene in various forms

Track 4Advanced Functional Materials and Nanoscience

Nanoscience is a developing region of science that worries about the investigation of materials that have extremely little measurements, in the scope of nanoscale. It is an interdisciplinary field that looks to achieve develop nanotechnology, concentrating on the nanoscale crossing point of fields, for example, material science, science, building, science, software engineering and that's just the beginning. 
There are numerous meanings of these terms. We will characterize it as science and innovation of structures made of materials or composites of inorganic and natural materials where at any rate one measurement is under 100 nm, and likewise, new wonders are seen which result from such a little size. Material with trademark geometric measurements underneath 100 nm and new properties coming about because of the nanostructure. In the accompanying content, the term nano-sized material and nanostructured material will be often exchanged.
  • Biocompatible Polymers

  • 3D Nanodtructured Materials

  • Advanced engineering materials

  • Smart Polymers

  • Nanoassemblies

Track 5Advanced Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials are made out of structures at the nanoscale, normally accomplished through explicitly planned self-gathering forms. They get one of a kind electronic, optical, mechanical, attractive, reactant properties, which can't be accomplished without their nano-engineering. Such progressed nanomaterials give exceptional chances to tuning their properties in a very expansive range. It is an effectively creating field of current research with a wide range of uses going from nanoelectronics and vitality reaping to science and nanomedicine. Propelled polymers and nanocomposites, battery materials and multifunctional materials, sedate conveyance and tissue building, bio-motivated and cross breed nanomaterials are only a couple of instances of research territories where best in class nanomaterials assume a basic job. 
The "Advanced Nanomaterials" area is a gathering for the quick production of records of works relating to the arrangement, portrayal, and use of all nanomaterials. The extent of Advanced Nanomaterials contains, without being restricted to, nanoparticles, nanocatalysts, nanoporous materials, nanocomposites, nanofilm, and nanoscale advances. Both test and hypothetical studies will be secured.
  • Inorganic/Organic Nanomaterials

  • Biosensors, Diagnostics and Imaging

  • Nanocomposites

  • Nanocrystalline materials

  • Nanoporous material

Track 6Advancing cellulose-based nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has applications crosswise over most financial divisions and permits the advancement of new empowering science with wide business potential. Cellulose and lignocellulose have incredible potential as nanomaterials on the grounds that they are abundant, renewable, have a nanofibrillar structure, can be made multifunctional, and self-gather into well-characterized models. 
To misuse their potential, R&D ventures must be made in the science and building that will completely decide the properties and qualities of cellulose and lignocellulose at the nanoscale, build up the advances to control self-get together and multifunctionality, and build up these new advances to the point where industry can deliver progressed and cost-focused cellulose and lignocellulose-based items. Since a significant number of the discoveries on nanostructures and nano procedures are not yet completely quantifiable, replicable, or comprehended, it will take generous R&D speculations.
  • cellulose  nanowhiskers

  • Cellulose Nano-Structures

  • Nanofibers of Cellulose and Its Derivatives

  • Nanocellulose-based nanocomposites

  • Bacterial nanocellulose

Track 7Nano polymers, Nanotubes and Nano porous Materials

Nanomaterial is a multiphase strong material where one of the stages has one, a few components of under 100 nanometers (nm) or structures having nano-scale rehash separates between the various stages that make up the material. Nanoporous materials comprise of an ordinary natural or inorganic system supporting a customary, permeable structure. The size of the pores is commonly 100 nanometers or littler. Most nanoporous materials can be delegated mass materials or layers. 
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are a class of nanomaterials that comprise of a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice of carbon particles, bowed and participated one way in order to shape an empty chamber. Carbon nanotubes are one of the allotropes of carbon, explicitly a class of fullerenes, middle of the road between the buckyballs (closed shells) and graphene (Flat sheets).
  • Non-siliceous Inorganic Nanomaterials

  • Nanostructured Catalysts

  • Carbon Nano tubes

  • Catalytic Applications of Nanoporous Materials

  • Porous Polymers and Polymer/Inorganic Nanocomposites

Track 8Smart Materials and Technologies

Smart materials are one of the most significant examining headings in the advancement of advanced new materials. Their properties can respond to reversible changes in their condition by an outer condition. Smart materials help in evacuating the limits among auxiliary and useful materials, which may bring about a huge upset in materials science improvement. 
Smart Materials are half and half materials that are made out of disparate stages which fundamentally change if any outer improvements are applied, for example, temperature, stress, magnetic or electric fields. Smart Materials are blends of in any event two unique materials, which permit the building of wanted properties. Proper modeling, simulation, and control help in coordinated framework structure of smart materials
  • Modelling, simulation and control of smart materials

  • Temperature-responsive polymers

  • piezoelectric materials

  • Shape-memory alloys

  • Polymer-based smart materials

Track 9Stronger Materials/Higher Strength Composites

The improvement of composite materials just as the related plan and assembling advances is one of the most significant advances throughout the entire existence of materials. Composites are multifunctional materials having uncommon mechanical and physical properties which can be custom fitted to meet the necessities of a specific application. Numerous composites likewise display incredible protection from wear, consumption, and high-temperature exposure. 
composite can be characterized as a mix of at least two materials that hold their large scale structure bringing about a material that can be intended to have improved properties than the constituents alone.2 51 52 Fiber-fortified polymer (FRP) composites are made by consolidating a polymer tar with solid, 53 strengthening strands. These lightweight composites empower numerous applications where the potential vitality 54 investment funds and carbon emanations decrease happens in the utilization stage.
  • Metal Matrix Composites

  • Ceramic Matrix Composite

  • Carbon Matrix Composite

  • Polymer Matrix Composite

  • Organic Matrix Composites

Track 10Nano biomaterials

Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications fills in as an extraordinary hotspot for the quickly developing biomaterials network on themes at the interface of biomaterials and nanotechnology. Biomaterials are manufactured materials which can be utilized to supplant harmed part or capacity in the human body. Biomaterials can be inferred as materials that are perfect with the human body and can be embedded into the human body to supplant an infected part or irregular capacity. 
Bionanomaterials are made incompletely or totally out of organic atoms and bringing about structures having a Nano-scale-measurement. Attractive nanomaterials are the attractive particles of Nanosize that are having selective attractive properties. They are existing in various structures, for example, dry powders, as surface functionalized. These Bionanomaterials will have potential applications as novel filaments, sensors, glues, and so forth. Nano biomaterials represent 28.3% of the piece of the overall industry. Nano biomaterials are utilized for recovery rehearses, disease treatment, and the polymeric ones are significant for quality conveyance frameworks.
  • Polymeric Biomaterials

  • Metallic Biomaterials

  • Classes of Nanostructured Biomaterials

  • Biomedical Applications and Translational Aspects of Nanomaterials

  • Biodegradable Polymeric Biomaterials

Track 11Polymer Science and Engineering

Polymer Science/macromolecular science is the subfield of material science with polymers. Researches are carried in multi-disciplinary spaces like material science, science, science, and building. Polymer science involves 3 fundamental Sub-disciplines, Polymer science is one among them and is worried about the substance amalgamation and properties acquired after the final product. Polymer Physics is of mass properties of polymeric materials and its applications. Polymer portrayal assists with the investigation of synthetic structure, morphology, and the physical properties with their compositional and basic parameters. 
Polymers will be the material of the new millennium and the generation of polymeric parts for example green, maintainable, vitality proficient, great, low-estimated, and so on will guarantee the openness of the best arrangements around the globe. Manufactured polymers have for quite a while assumed a generally significant job in present-day therapeutic practice. Numerous gadgets in medication and even some fake organs are developed with progress from manufactured polymers. It is conceivable that manufactured polymers may assume a significant job in future drug store, as well. Polymer science can be applied to spare vitality and improve sustainable power source advances.
  • Polymers in bulletproof vests and fire-resistant jackets

  • Polymer nanocomposites matrices

  • Polymers for Drug Delivery

  • Block copolymer nanocomposites

  • Polymers in Implants and Medical Devices

Track 12Characterization and modeling of Nanostructures and Devices

Advancement of Nanotechnology and the making of Nanomaterials opened new points of view for various regions of industry. These materials clarify developed quality, durability, biocompatibility, and can guarantee higher assistance properties, dependability, and systems. Modeling methods and reproduction right now assume a noteworthy job in portraying nanocomposite properties and understanding their mechanical conduct through atomistic demonstrating continuum mechanics-based methodologies, and multiscale displaying strategies. 
Then again, a further developed methodology for reproduction of nano-strengthened materials is the multiscale demonstrating, for increasingly expand examinations, where the atomic elements and continuum mechanics models are coordinated into a registering situation. This methodology, thus, can be point by point enough to represent the material physical science at nanoscale while effective enough to deal with the field factors of enthusiasm at bigger length scales. Focusing on nano-fortified composite materials and their applications, the primary goal of this exceptional issue is to give a discussion to trading the best in class and original thoughts in the field of displaying, portrayal, and preparing of these developing materials.
  • Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transister(CNFET)

  • Nanostructured Multiphase Alloys

  • Quantum Mechanics for Modelling of Nanomaterials

  • Software for Modelling of Nanomaterials

  • Industrial Applications of Nanomaterials Modelling

Track 13Nanotechnology in Materials Science

One of the most interesting things about nanotechnology is that the houses of many substances trade when the measurement scale of their dimensions techniques nanometers. Materials scientists work to understand these property changes and utilize them in the processing and manufacture of substances at the nanoscale. New methods to create Nanophase materials have arisen in the improvement of a new category of materials. For instance, a Nanophase cloth with an average grain size of 5nm has about 50% of the atoms inside the first two nearest neighbor planes of a grain boundary in which good sized displacements from normal lattice positions are displaced.

Materials Science and Engineering is the study of all materials, from those we see and use each day such as a glass or a piece of game tools to those used in aerospace and medicine, thru that understanding how materials work, can create new materials for new purposes as well as develop present substances to enhance performance. They can control the shape of a material, from an atomic level up.


  • Dimensionality In Nano Materials

  • Nanofabrication

  • Nanomedicine

  • Nano Platelet

  • Nanophotonics

Track 14Nano Materials Synthesis and Characterization

Nanotechnology is a promising science with large functions from cosmetics, food products, clothing, and family home equipment to gasoline catalyst, ailment treatment, and renewable energies. Nanotechnology is additionally being applied to a variety of industrial and purification methods such as development materials, nanomachining of nanowires, nanorods, graphene, water filtration, and wastewater treatment. Their functions are turning into wider in “nanomedicine” by using interfacing the nanomaterials with organic molecules or structures, “green technology” to beautify the environmental sustainability and “renewable energy” to advance the new approaches to capture, store, and transfer energy.

For instance, carbon nanotube productions have been used for purposes in energy storage, automotive parts, thin-film electronics, coatings, and so forth. Nanomaterials are located as necessary and hold growing in the area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and in latest years researchers are investing a good deal effort on the synthesis and applications of a number of nanomaterials, due to their viable functions in science and industry. For example, biocompatible nanomaterials are utilized without delay or they are used to exchange natural materials to function or to be in contact with the living systems.


  • Synthesis and Processing of Emerging Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials

  • Microwave-Assisted Synthesis for Carbon Nanomaterials

  • Strategies in Laser-Induced Synthesis of Nanomaterials

  • Recent Trends in the Synthesis of Carbon Nanomaterials

  • Chemical Approaches for 1D Oxide Nanostructures

Track 15Advanced Ceramics and Composite Materials , Smart Materials and Technology

The primeval ceramics made by way of human beings have been pottery objects, which include 27,000-year-old figurines, made from clay, either thru itself or blended with distinctive materials like silica, hardened, sintered, in fire. Later ceramics had been glazed and fired to produce smooth, colored surfaces, decreasing porosity through the use of glassy, amorphous ceramic coatings on pinnacle of the crystalline ceramic substrates. Ceramics currently encompass domestic, industrial and developing products, as well as a wide fluctuate of ceramic art. In the twentieth century, new ceramic materials have been developed for use in advanced ceramic engineering, such as in semiconductors.

Polymers are investigated in the fields of biophysics and macromolecular science, and polymer science (which embody polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, merchandise bobbing up from the linkage of repeating devices via covalent chemical bonds have been the principal focal point of polymer science; rising essential areas of the science presently focal point on non-covalent links. Composite components are usually used for buildings, bridges and constructions like boat hulls, swimming pool panels, race automobile bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs, storage tanks, imitation granite and cultured marble sinks and counter tops. The most superior examples operate automatically on spacecraft in stressful environments. Now standing at USD 296.2 billion, the ceramics market is forecast to develop to USD 502.8 billion by using 2020, as every and each and every enterprise achieves upgraded manufacturing effectivity alongside with high renewable electricity efficiency. As per the international market analysis, in 2014, the Composite substances enterprise is predicted to generate income of about 156.12 billion U.S. dollars.


  • Ceramic and composite construction materials

  • Ceramics Coating

  • Novel synthesis and processing of ceramics

  • Fabrication methods of composites

  • Bioceramics and medical applications

Track 16Nanomaterials for Clean and Sustainable Technology

Nanotechnology has developed a sustainable energy manufacturing scheme which is one of the most necessary scientific challenges of the 21st century. The assignment is to design, to synthesize and to represent new functional nanomaterials with controllable sizes, shapes and/or structures.

It is now one of the quickest growing lookup fields in the world and will optimistically head to the improvement of a renewable strength economy in which fossil gasoline resources will solely be used to produce more valuable chemicals. This vision is that energy, environmental and safety troubles created with the aid of the consumption of fossil fuels will be solved as soon as and for all.


  • Environmental health and safety

  • Solar power technology and material

  • Energy storage & Novel Generation

  • Oil,gas,Nuclear & Traditional energy

Track 17Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Industry

Nanotechnology is widely applied in our every day life and is altering the complete society. It has begun marching into the agriculture and food enterprise on the grounds that 2003 when United States Department of Agriculture posted the first roadmap in September 9, 2003. Research on this subject matter has skyrocketed over the last decade. It nearly covers each and every thing in the meals and agriculture industry, together with agriculture, irrigation/water filtration, food processing and packaging, animal feed, and aquiculture.  The food and beverage sector is a international multi trillion dollar industry. A latest estimate of the world in your price range have an effect on of nanotechnology is projected to be at least $3 trillion by way of 2020, which may additionally worker 6 million labors in the rising nanotechnology industries worldwide.

This is very beautiful and has driven many meals firms concerned in development and marketing of novel nanomaterial based products, and improving production efficiency, meals characteristics, taste and safety. Incredibly, there are heaps of products that have already been marketed and used in the meals enterprise over the previous decade. Majority of these products are designed “out-of-food” but “inside” meals industry, i.e. food contacting substances however now not at once ate up by way of people. No novel nanomaterials containing merchandise have been without delay put into human meals yet, without titanium dioxide and iron oxide that have been used as meals pigment and colorant respectively already. The vital reason is that rules and regulation is very restricted involving nano food, particularly due to complexity of nanomaterials and case-by-case legislating strategies  A deeper reason for the limited regulation is the poor information of toxicity and risk which novel nanomaterials should bring. Many studies focal point on in vitro toxicity of nanomaterials whilst very little in vivo toxicity data is available, now not to mention chronic effect of nanomaterials (especially metallic nanoparticles, NPs). At least countless gaps have to be filled: toxicity of nanomaterial to mammal cells, tissues/organs and continual effect to human body; migration of nanomaterials to food; degradation or environmental destiny of nanomaterials; bioaccumulation of nanomaterials and their affect on ecosystems.


  • Nanomaterials as Agents to Stimulate Plant Growth

  • Nano-d for the Management of the Food Supply Chain

  • Nano-delivery systems

Track 18Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering is very fast developing scientific area in this era and used to create, repair, and/or substitute cells, tissues and organs with the aid of the use of mobile phone and/or combinations of cells with biomaterials and/or biologically active molecules and helps to produce substances which very lots resembles to body's native tissue/tissues. Novel biomimetic scaffold” and “Modern technology” been developed for greater accuracy on positioning and viability, complexity, interplay etc., the usage of micro and nanotechnology for manufacturing and analytical control through tools.3 Micro and nanotechnology are offering them simple substrate for adhesion and proliferation and lively agents for their growth.

Nanofabrication techniques, substances science, surface, micro and nano-patterning in tissue engineering helps in offering fine microenvironment the place cells have to grow. Nanotechnology can be used to create nanofibers, nanopatterns and controlled-release nanoparticles with functions in tissue engineering, for mimicking native tissues considering the fact that biomaterials to be engineered is of nano metre size like extracellular fluids, bone marrow, cardiac tissues etc. The gain of nanoparticles in TE stems from their small dimension and their related large floor to extent ratio, which is related to peptides and small proteins. They can without difficulty diffuse throughout membranes and facilitate uptake by means of cells. Moreover, one is now not restricted by means of a predetermined measurement for nanoparticles, given that they can be made in customized sizes and floor traits in order to swimsuit any purpose. Nanoparticles also mimic the natural nanometer measurement scale of extracellular matrix (ECM) factors of tissues themselves.


  • Nanotextured substrates for tissue engineering

  • Self-assembled nanomaterials

  • Biological property enhancement: increased cell proliferation rates

  • Enhancement of mechanical properties

  • Enhancement of electrical properties

Track 19Environmental and Green Materials

Green materials are materials that are nearby and renewable. Local materials regularly are special to the area and join something humans make within a place or region. Materials from the floor such as clay, sand, and stone are green materials as they are observed underfoot. Plant substances such as grasses, straw, timber, and bamboo are also materials that have been used with the aid of people when you consider that they started out building. Plant substances that grow rapidly are for the most phase renewable. Reclaimed materials are substances that can be reused in their current structure for new purposes. Reclaimed substances are inexperienced in the experience that they can be re-purposed and reused.

Recyclable materials are materials that can move from being waste fabric to being reused through reprocessing or re-purposing. Green materials nowadays are described as substances that are non-toxic, improve occupancy health, decrease cost, and preserve electricity and water use and waste merchandise. Non-toxic materials are materials that do no longer reason damage to the environment, to the customers of the fabric or to the producers of the material. Green materials are additional materials that have low embedded strength in their harvesting or collection, production, transportation, and use. Material scientists work with chemical and biological engineers to develop new and higher materials. Let’s discover green materials

Market Analysis

Important Scope:

Nanotechnology is doing very well abroad in international locations such as USA, UK, Singapore, Germany, and China, etc. in terms of R&D. There has been extensive development toward the usage of Nanotechnology in cosmetics, food, and textiles. Nanomedicine is still in the R&D stage and huge growth is but to be predicted and intensive lookup is being carried out in breakneck speed.

Materials Engineering is designed to suggest comprehensive settings that report topical enhancements and new strategies for expansion of revolutionary substances for world requirements with a goal to join a communication between industries and educational administrations and knowledge transmission from lookup to industry. Surface Science and Engineering, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Materials Engineering and Engineering, Energy Materials, Mining and Metallurgy, Materials Chemistry, Polymer Technology, Emerging fields in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology are the indispensable areas which is protected by means of Materials Engineering.

The organizing committee has organized an energizing and informative convention program which includes plenary lectures, symposia, and workshops on Nanotechnology, Materials Engineering, and a variety of topics, poster presentations, and a range of packages for members from all around the Globe. We invite you to be part of us at the Nanotech Expo 2020, where you will be positive to have a communicative trip with intellectuals from all around the world. All individuals of the Nanotech Expo Conferences 2020 organizing committee seem forward to assembly you in Geneva, Switzerland.

It has a big scope in the upcoming generations. It is the 1/3 perfect profitable discipline when compared with IT and the Internet. Nanotechnology has the plausible to turn out to be a more important revolutionary pressure for enterprise than the industrial revolution or the statistics technological know-how revolution. In fact, many trust that the blended have an effect on of each the industrial and statistics revolution might also method the magnitude of alternate that may want to end result from the commercialization of Nanotechnology. In developed nations lookup is going on for decreasing the weight and increasing the power of the fabric which will be required in the aeronautics and car industry.

Materials Engineering is an interdisciplinary discipline and frequently labeled as Materials Science and Engineering, which includes the discovery and designing of new materials, with a good deal prominence on solids. Today’s lookup that contracts with substances science pursue to be aware of and affect the behavior of materials at a variety of dimension scales, ranging from the atomic to the macroscopic levels, making use of practical, theoretical or computational equipment as probes. The experimental researches include Nano-science, biological materials, high-thermal materials, the interplay of laser-materials and electrochemical methods with several applications from remedy to renewable energy.

In Eastern Europe, Materials Services is one of the leading substances buying and selling and processing specialists. With companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Turkey, plus sales workplaces in Croatia and Lithuania.

Owing to its wide range of uses, the international nanotechnology market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of around 17% at some point of the forecasted period of 2018-2024. Thus, there lies a fantastic probability for industry individuals to tap the fast developing market, which would garner large income on the returned of commercialization of the technology. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2.5 billion humans lack safe consuming water at home, and around 1 billion people lack desirable sanitation. Potable water has been a developing subject in the world for pretty a few years, and this state of affairs is main to a demand for water purification which is growing possibilities for the providers in the nanotechnology market that had a valuation of $48.89 billion as of 2018. Furthermore, owing to the application of nanotechnology in various sectors, the demand for the identical is poised to look at an escalation at a worthwhile compound annual boom charge (CAGR) of 14.55% all through the forecast length 2019-2025.

Water cure industry is making strides in the APAC area which is leading to an augmented demand for the membranes. Membranes are the most prominently used nanotechnology products. Furthermore, superior lookup on nanotechnology in this area is supporting the market. APAC had the maximum nanotechnology market share of 31.12% in 2018.

Major Association across the Globe:

The American Ceramic Society (Acers)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Physical Society (APS)

The Materials Information Society (ASM International)

The Materials Research Society (MRS)

Microscopy Society of America (MSA)

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society

International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE

Major Universities of Nanotechnology and Material Engineering in Europe:

University Rovira

Jaume University

National University of Science and Technology

Novosibirsk State University

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Jonkoping University

Samara National Research University

West University of Timisoara

Advanced Materials Science & Engineering

Master of Science Product Refinement

Advanced Materials Science & Engineering

Master in Engineering Materials Science

Master in Macromolecular Materials

Master in Product Development and Materials Engineering

Major Universities in World:

International Master Degree Program in Applied Materials Science (National Central University)

Master in Chemical and Materials Engineering (National Central University)

Master in Material Science & Engineering (National Central University)

Master of Engineering in Material Science & Engineering (University of Maryland, A. James Clark School of Engineering)

M.C. in Materials Science and Nanoengineering (Sabanci University)

Master in Advanced Materials Science

Master in Advanced Metallic Materials and Engineering

Master in Engineering and Technology - Materials Science (NMSTU)

Master in Inorganic Nanomaterials

Master in Materials Science (Novosibirsk State University)

Master in Nanotechnology and Materials for Micro- and Nanosystems

Master in Quantum Physics for Advanced Materials Engineering

Master of Engineering and Technology - Metallurgy (NMSTU)

Major Industries in Nanotechnology and Material Engineering:


Technoorg Linda


GetNano Ltd

Nano Sniff technologies


Icon Analytical Equipment

Nanomics Technologies

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 08-09, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

[email protected]

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology Journal of Nanosciences: Current Research Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by